We take great pride and satisfaction in being able to present Powerfields first business action plan for the low-carbon future in rural areas. There is no doubt that as we move along in the 21st century, the pace of change is accelerating at an unprecedented speed. 

What we do 

Everything we do will help grow and strengthen your future business. 

Solving your needs 

Have you checked the latest funding opportunities at the European Commission: 

€83 million available for Horizon 2020 energy projects

Six energy topics under the 2018-2020 Horizon 2020 Work Programme are open for application as of today, 3 December. They make available EU funding of €83 million in total. The topics relate to renewable energy solutions (RES). The projects will be selected for funding in a single-stage evaluation. The deadline to submit a proposal is 21 April 2020.

Need to apply

If you have any questions as regards EC funding opportunities or would like to discuss the implications and benefits for your organisation, we would be pleased to give you some advice without any obligation.

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